Be kind. To yourself and others

Believe in yourself and the world will follow.I like to apply this mantra to my life always. Just a sudden incident made me write this, and what I felt was so strong that I needed to put this down.I have recently started an art account and for some time also have a blog where IContinueContinue reading “Be kind. To yourself and others”

Things every book lover can relate to

You know who you are, if you have already opened this post for a read. I love you for simply existing and making this world a kinder place. Books are like therapy to our mind, body and soul. It is what we live for. Our sense organs really light up whenever there is a physicalContinueContinue reading “Things every book lover can relate to”


A strange thing to identify with probably, but balconies are a huge hygge factor for me.As I laid down in the narrow yet big enough balcony on the sixth floor, under the warm leaves extended by the potted plants beside, I couldn’t help but wonder how little things light up a spark inside us.A moonlitContinueContinue reading “Balconies”

From anxiety , with love

From the people who knows anxiety, worry and depression closely (to the other side of the world) There can be nothing more enough, more complete. Years of estimation, desperation, and tears later, here we are today. It is what it is. How we stand right now in the trying times of our lives. Our lives,ContinueContinue reading “From anxiety , with love”

A li’l reminder..

You got to wait for the exact moment for inspiration to come to you, for an idea, a situation that gives you such a feel-good goose bump, of familiar music in the background, of fairy lights dimming in the backdrop, that’s when life happens to you, amidst all the chaos and flutter of the heartContinueContinue reading “A li’l reminder..”