Happy & High!

Not writing for a long time gives you a feeling you can never do it again, but that’s only what your mind makes you think.


All your life, you have been asked this one thing “what do you wanna be when you grow up?” And strangely we never realised that we have been forced to put ourselves to a box…and choose. Why should we choose? Choosing means restricting yourself. Box is meant for things, not people. Not for humans. You can do all you want to, and you be whoever you want to. You don’t have to be a dancer,a singer, a doctor, an engineer, an actor, a writer, a model, a traveller, a dreamer…do you ever realise you can be all of that together?!


There are examples all over the world, that you can not stick to a category, but conquer it all. And the moment you realize that it’s a superpower that you have your whole life to do so, it is merely envisioning what you want and working incredibly hard towards all that you dream about yourself.

No one said it is gonna be an easy path, but the destination I tell you will be totally worth it. What’s more amazing?

Looking back from the end, the journey is the album of memories that you’ll cherish the most.


Published by ikigai_ing

Life Purpose Coach Sharing the lessons no one taught in class. Guiding you to show up as YOUR purpose-driven true self!

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